Title 18-C
NOTICE REGARDING FORMS: This page contains the official forms for use in proceedings in Maine’s Probate Courts that are governed by Title 18-C of the Maine Revised Statutes, in effect on 09/01/2019. All such forms bear a revision date of 07/01/19 or later. Forms found elsewhere on this website with a revision date prior to 07/01/19 are for use in proceedings governed by Title 18-A. Please contact the Register of the Probate Court in the County in which you are filing to if you have questions about which Form(s) to use in a particular proceeding.
- DE-101 Petition for Formal Adjudication or Formal Appointment - Intestate
- DE-101(I) Application for Informal - Intestate (Rev. 09-12-19)
- DE-104 PR Acceptance
- DE-201 Petition for Formal Probate of Will or Appointment of PR
- DE-201(I) Application for Informal Probate of Will or Appt of PR
- DE-301 Petition for Appointment of Special Administrator
- DE-301(I) Application for Informal Appt of Special Administrator (Rev. 09-12-19)
- DE-401(A) Certificate of Value Resident and Non Resident
- DE-403 Bond For Personal Representative
- DE-405 Inventory
- DE-406 Probate Account
- DE-407 Renunciation-Nomination (Rev. 03-01-25))
- DE-501 Petition with Respect to Supervised Administration
- DE-502 Demand For Bond
- DE-503 Claim Against Estate
- DE-504 Petition to Resolve Disputed Claim and Allowance
- DE-505 Petition with Respect to Pretermitted or Omitted Child
- DE-506 Petition for Elective Share
- DE-507 Petition to Reopen Estate
- DE-509 Petition for Removal of Personal Representative
- DE-601 Petition for Order of Complete Settlement
- DE-602 Sworn Statement
- DE-603 Closing Statement for Small Estate
- DE-605 Verified Application for Certificate of Discharge
Guardianship & Conservatorship Adult
- PP-201 Petition for Appointment of Guardian
- PP-203 Acceptance of Appointment by Guardian
- PP-205 Joined Petition for Guardian and Conservator
- PP-207 Acceptance of Appointment by Guardian and Conservator
- PP-209 Interim and Annual Report of Guardian
- PP-210 Registration of Guardianship or Conservatorship
- PP-401 Petition for Appointment of Conservator
- PP-402 Acceptance of Appointment by Conservator
- PP-405 Bond for Conservator
- PP-406 Inventory
- PP-407 Conservator Account (Rev. 09-12-2019)
- PP-408 Claim Against Estate
- PP-409 Petition to Resolve Disputed Claim and Petition for Allowance
- PP-410 Petition for Interim Order (Rev. 09-12-19)
- PP-412 Conservators Report
- PP-413 Petition for Termination, Removal or Resignation
- PP-502 Guardianship Plan-Adult
- PP-503 Conservator Plan
- PP-504 Joined Plan
- PP-505 Physician's or Psychologist's Report
- PP-506 Visitor's Report
- PP-507 Affidavit for Emergency Guardian and-or Conservator
- PP-509 Petition to Accept Transfer of Guardianship.Conservatorship
- PP-510 Petition to Transfer of Guardianship-Conservatorship and Provisional Order
- PP-601 Petition for Other Protective Arrangements
Guardianship Minor
- GS-001 Petition for Guardianship of a Minor
- GS-003 Motion for Emergency Guardian
- GS-006 Affidavit of Notice
- GS-007 Parent's Consent to Appointment of Guardian for Minor
- GS-008 Acceptance of Appt by Guardian
- GS-009 Petition for Mod,Term, Remove Guardian
- GS-021 Parents Consent Appointment of Guardian ICWA
- GS-012 Minor's Consent, Objection, Nomination
- GS-014 Status Report of the Guardian
- GS-018 Guardianship Child Support Order
- GS-016 Child Support Affidavit
- AF-101 Jurisdictional Affidavit
- PB-007 GAL Joint Appt. Order
- AD-GS-292 Motion for Special Findings
- CV-PB-295 Petition for Relief and Findings
Change of Name Minor and Adult
- AD-001 Petition for Adoption
- AD-003 Consent of Other than Parent
- AD-004 Consent of Person to be Adopted
- AD-005 Consent of Parent to Adoption
- AD-006 Consent of Parent to Adoption - Outside ME
- AD-007 Confidential Statement
- AD-008 Report of Disbursements
- AD-009 Certificate of Counseling
- AD-011 Pet to Recognize Foreign Adoption
- AD-012 Petition for Termination of Parental Rights
- AD-015 Surrender, Release for Adoption
- AD-017 Waiver of Notice - Putative Parent, Rev. 10.19
- AD-020 Pet Annul of Adoption Decree
- AD-022 Pet. for Info or to Examine Recs
- AD-026 Petition for Adult Adoption (Rev. 11-03-24)
- AD-028 Affidavit of Parentage (Rev. 5-6-21)
- AD-029 Statement RE Tribal Affiliation (Rev. 05-2022)
- AD-030 Pet. for Confirmatory Adoption
- AF-101 Jurisdictional Affidavit
- AD-GS-292 Motion for Special Findings
- CV-PB-295 Petition for Relief and Findings
All Notices printed from this website must be signed and sealed by a Register of Probate prior to serving.
- N-105 Demand for Notice
- N-106 Notice of Removal
- N-107 Waiver of Notice
- N-108 Waiver of Notice on Behalf of Minor or Individual Subject to GC
- N-112 Notice of Intent to Register Guardianship or Conservatorship
- N-115 Notice re Appointment of PR to Heirs, Devisees
- N-116 Notice of Appt. of Domiciliary Foreign PR (Rev. 9-12-19)
- N-117 Notice of Appointment of GC (Rev. 2-20-20)
- N-118 Notice of Guardianship Conservatorship Proceeding (Rev. 9-28-20)
Please check with the Probate Court where you will be filing your proceeding, to determine if they require any additional Affidavits.
All Miscellaneous